Have Arboriculturists – Will Travel!
29th December 2017A common wealth of trees? Tree-planting past and present
2nd March 2018Wakefield Tree Survey for Planning.
AWA Tree Consultants undertook arboricultural surveys in the Wakefield area that recently helped secure planning approval and meet planning conditions in relation to tree protection at the former Castleford, Normanton and District Hospital, West Yorkshire.
The site is a triangular area of land which covers 4.4 hectares and was predominantly used as an administration base for various trust teams by the hospital.
The site has many mature trees throughout that are covered by a tree preservation order. Our tree survey and tree constraints plan informed the design of the scheme and ensured most trees within the site were retained. Wakefield Council’s Arboricultural Officer was consulted and initially raised concerns regarding the impact of the proposal on protected trees, which is mainly as a result of the provision of a new access road with footways to both sides into the development. Amended plans were submitted that provided a segregated footpath into the site which limited the loss of trees on the site and still provided a layout acceptable to Wakefield Council’s Highways Section.
Although the final proposal resulted in the loss of a few trees, it was an appropriate compromise and the majority of existing trees within the site will be retained and additional trees will be provided within the central area of public open space. This will create a green gateway into the development. Additional trees will also be provided to the boundary of the southern area of open space as part of a high-quality landscaping and boundary treatment so that trees are an integral part of the proposal, and to provide as varied and stimulating an outdoor environment as possible for residents.
The scheme provided over 100 much needed properties while retaining and protecting the sites mature trees.
Alan Davis, the Trust’s director of human resources and workforce development, said: “We’re pleased that planning has been approved for the land on the Castleford, Normanton and District Hospital site. “The funds we raise from the sale of the land will be invested straight back into healthcare facilities in the region so we can provide ever better services for the people of Pontefract and Castleford.”
AWA Tree Consultants have successfully provided tree surveys for planning that have helped many hundreds of developments gain planning consent, from small domestic projects to major housing developments. If you would like expert BS5837 tree surveys, arboricultural impact assessments and arboricultural method statements that will support your planning application, and add value to your project, please contact us to see how we can help.