Thinking Arbs Day with the Arboricultural Association
6th March 2018Trees in the Planning Process
30th April 2018Tree Survey for Planning in Leeds, West Yorkshire.
AWA Tree Consultants recently helped gain planning approval for 50 new dwellings with associated access. Our tree survey for planning in Leeds, West Yorkshire, minimised the impact on important trees at the site and maximised the development potential. The site was the former West Park Centre on the eastern side of Spen Lane, Leeds, West Yorkshire. The Centre was demolished a few years ago, and much of the central part of the site remains covered with hard surfacing. There are several areas of mature trees within the site and around its boundaries, many of which are protected by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO). In addition, the corner of the site is adjacent to a conservation area, which identified mature trees and boundary hedges as important to the area’s character.
As such, careful assessment of the sites trees was crucial to a successful planning application. Our BS:5837 (2012) tree survey provided accurate tree data and tree constraints plans that helped to inform the layout of the development, which was designed to maximise the retention of mature trees within the site as far as possible.
Species diversity at the site was relatively good, with a wide distribution of predominately broad-leaved tree species. The most significant trees within site boundaries were mature Ash and Oak trees, which we identified as large examples of their species, in good overall condition, and providing high visual amenity value to the site and surrounding areas. Other individual trees of note within the site included Beech and Oak which were in good overall condition with good prospects, that would add value to any future development. Our tree survey also identified lower value and more insignificant trees that shouldn’t pose a significant constraint to any new development, and our tree inspections found occasional individual trees which required pruning works or removal regardless of any future development at the site.
Although some tree removal was proposed, our tree survey and arboricultural impact assessment helped identify those lower value trees that constrained the development potential, while ensuring the majority of the existing trees within the site and around the boundaries would be retained and incorporated into areas of public open space as part of the scheme. The retained trees provided a strong landscape structure to the proposed development, the location of the majority of these around the boundaries of the site means that that the development would maintain the strong landscape character of the existing frontage and of views across the adjacent park fields.
Although the presence of the TPO’d trees did present some constraints in terms of the developable areas of the site, the Planning Authority considered that the developer responded to this in a positive way, using the areas of trees as the basis for a network of open spaces wrapping around a number of separate blocks of development, providing a mature landscaped setting for the development and softening the visual impact of the developed areas. Leeds City Council concluded that the proposed development of this vacant site, to provide 50 new dwellings, would assimilate well into its surroundings through its sensitive design and retention of significant groups of existing mature trees within the site.
AWA Tree Consultants regularly provide tree surveys for planning in West Yorkshire and across the UK that help clients gain planning consent. We know the information Local Authorities want and provide this in professional clear reports that maximise the chances of planning success – avoiding any unnecessary delays. If you would like expert BS:5837 tree survey reports with arboricultural impact assessments and arboricultural method statements that will support your planning application, and add value to your project, please contact us to see how we can help.
Plans and report for three new semi mature trees prior to new extension planning permission being approved
We have submitted an application to the council for approval, however they have asked us to fill out an arboricultural impact assessment form in order to validate the application. Are you able to help with this and what are your prices to do so?
Project address: 1 Low House Drive , BD20 0NW